i'll follow up with the updated content warning list and the endings guide shortly ^^


STORY PROGRESSION the story will progress based on which route you stayed in previously. there are 3 portions of this update, narrative-wise:
  • Klein's route (2 branching paths) ~1-hour playtime
  • Yael's route (linear with added player choices) ~1-hour playtime
  • General route (shared events and plot progression) ~20 minutes playtime

in the previous update, Klein's route was significantly shorter than Yael's, but this time it's a lot more balanced.


  • Al's route [prologue] :

al enjoyers, you might want to read this: if you're seeking to gain AP ( affection points ) for him (which will matter in the next update ), stick with Yael's route! just be sure not to gain too many affection points with him LOL—keep him in da friend zone...

  • 9+ new CGs (not including variations)
  • new outfits for Klein (you get to choose his style!)
  • ethan screentime LOL get ready for emotional damage
  • improved UI for smoother navigation.
  • bug fixes for continuity errors in Yael's route and dialogue flow in Klein's.
  • the narration throughout the entire narrative has been updated for consistent use of present tense.


you may experience error from playing with older builds. i'm sorry for the inconvenience in case of save files being reset/loss. older builds are not likely to be compatible with this version because there are significant changes made T T

you might want to explore the demo logs because i've slipped in a handful of new CGs in some routes ( if you're a new player, please ignore this lol )

any kind of feedback would be very welcomed. you can share your thoughts here or through this this feedback form as per usual. i apologize in advance for any errors you might come across, please be sure to notify me about it and i'll be very happy to assist / get to it immediately! 

thank you for everyone's patience and support. i appreciate it beyond words can express 

i hope this update is fun and worth the wait, and i'm so excited to hear everyone's thoughts on it! 


KLEINv01-3.0.0-mac.zip 631 MB
Nov 30, 2024
KLEINv01-3.0.0-pc.zip 636 MB
Nov 30, 2024
KLEINv01-3.0.0-win.zip 617 MB
Nov 30, 2024

Get KLEIN v.0.1


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Hi! I absolutely loved (absolutely terrified) the LOG 1 release aand when I found out LOG 2 released I wanted to play it again!! 

but someone pls help me I'm too terrified to press the start button 😭😭😭😭 Ik im overreacting here BUT I LEGITIMATELY AM PROBABLY A LITTLE BIT TOO SCARED TO PLAY. 😭 I WANNA PLAY IT SO BAD BUT PROLLY MY TRAUMA(???) FROM PLAYING IT LAST YEAR GOT TO ME HELP 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

okay so I did Klein's route and I just finished it, i love the plot, can't wait to try Yaels!!!

Sorry, but is AI route in the 3.0.0 ver alr or nah?


I made an account just to comment because I’m genuinely so in love with your game, I think you’ve done such a great job, this is definitely one of my favourite visual novels ever!


I wish there was a app like this, I couldn't find any virtual boyfriend app 😔

Was there any chance for this game to be available on Android? pls im so interested!!

(1 edit) (+2)

Thank you for the update, it's so good btw... but how can i start Klein's route without slaping my dearest sister TT cz i love her so much. I dont wanna play his route again bc i have to do such a bad thing to my sister and that hurt me so much u know TT. It was such a hard feeling to deal with but i think you built his route so good, though it makes me kind of hate this character... maybe it also makes him less attractive as a love interest  (for me)

this is how i realized there was a klein route. (i kept doing the yael route on accident and had no idea how to get kleins)

yeah if you havent try his route yet, you can choose dont go to work (take your day off) and slap your sister (ya have to do that to enter the Klein route) when she visits you on this day ;) yeah i feel so bad when i do that but ughh. But HIMEIRO did his route well bc play his route makes me feel really guilty...

Czy będzie dostępna wersja na androida na sklepie play?

Bardzo bym to doceniła i dziękuję za stworzenie takiej wspaniałej gry<33.


Thank you for the update!

I dont know if I'm doing something wrong but how far can you go with Yael right now? I can see an image with Yael presumably calling us darling on the main page but I cant seem to get past the awkward friends stage. Love the game btw

Ehhhh how you can see an image with Yael calling us darling on the main page TT?? How can you get it TT, i have played his route again and again just to see how far we can go with him but... nothing else than a 'friend' :(

I love your game!


Hey! ^_^ I have a question... I am on Klein's route but I never got to change his style? How and when does that happen? :o


Ohhh! Nevermind, I actually figured it out, hehe! :D I kinda forgot about the amusment park option... I'm surprised on how much I missed now, lol.


Thank you for the update! 

Also, are we getting Al's route? nsncsjc I'm excited! He's so sweet :3

Cooooolo coolo~ 

 I was waiting for this update muwahahahahaah!!


i love al SO MUCH he's so sweet i already can't wait to see more of him !! this update was so awesome 


and we all cheered wooooooooooo thanks for updating <33


Why is this game exactly the same as Pocket Lover? same plot.. and everything.. did you receive the same inspiration from a show or something? either that, but there is no actual possibility; you've never heard of their game, and theirs came out first too. please give some clarification... they deserve credit at least.


go touch the grass


this is kinda serious bro


i get your concern about the similarities. it’s frustrating to think someone might’ve copied a game you love, especially when the creator worked so hard on it. but Bingzi already said six months ago that Himeiro denied knowing about Pocket Lover, and they seemed fine leaving it at that.

it’s okay to point out similarities, but the tone you’re using here feels pretty accusatory, and that’s not really helpful when you want to have a conversation. Bingzi’s a smaller creator, sure, but they still have a voice, and if they wanted to push this, they probably would’ve by now.

now, maybe if another creator was clearly upset or bothered by a similar situation, it’d make sense to bring it up, but Bingzi doesn’t seem to want to pursue this. so at this point, it might be best to respect their decision and move on. Or at the very least, talk to Bingzi and see if you can get their actual opinion. i’m sure they appreciate your passion for the games, but sometimes it’s best to let things rest.


You're sweet<3 Ty for your comment, and I understand what you mean. The thing is, this has been bothering me for some time... if Bingzi doesn't want to pursue this, then let it be, but don't you agree? The similarities are much too obvious; they didn't even try to hide it, and it's so mean to steal an entire plot from a smaller creator and paint it as your own, denying ever knowing about it, then even getting away with it.

Don't get me wrong though, I think Himeiro's art and codding are incredible, and they can for sure make a game of their own without going through such lengths, but they could have mentoned they were 'inspired' and credited Bingzi at the very least. She is a very amazing creator, and that game 'pocket lover' was the very first game she released, and I hate to see it stolen.

I will be taking a step away from this as to respect Bingzi's decision, but I do hope Himero comes out on their own.

Thank you though, I appreciate your reply<3 Have a nice day.

(1 edit) (+3)

If it is the case, that Himiero did in fact steal the entire plot and get away with it, you're right. It's not okay and I would be super bothered and compelled to say something as well. But I also know this is not my battle and I dont want to interfere with another creators plan if they have one. Since Bingzi left it at the comment,I figured they didn't want anyone else to talk about it. I suggest if you see another creator asking for help because someone stole their content, then go full throttle since its at the creators request.  No one should be mean to you or give you hateful comments when all you want to do is defend a creator you love. I also love Bingzi and I also love Himeiro but this is between them now. You are only doing what you think is right so don't let others put you down with hateful words, but listen to constructive words to help everyone :)  it’s clear you care a lot about supporting creators, and you have a good heart for wanting to stand up for them. have a beautiful day for a kind soul like yours 💖

(3 edits) (+11)

hi there and i totally get your concerns! i understand where you are coming from, and while i acknowledge the similarities it shared with bingzi's game, i can also confidently say that my game is progressing with its own ideas, narrative, and story direction, which i think sets it apart; and i do hope more people can see it especially as more episodes come out.

this has been discussed before with me and bingzi in DMs like a commenter said in this thread and i also have made a public post about this as well recently with all that needs to be said from my end. you can read it here

i hope this helps answers your questions and/or worries, and i wish for her decision to be respected regarding this as well!
thank you for taking the time to comment 💖

(1 edit)

i looked at the game u mentioned and honestly i can see why one would think that, but, at the same time this kinda comes down to underestimating how long game developing takes. with how long the KLEIN demo is, the UI, artwork and everything, it seems kind of unlikely to me that someone would be able to develop all of that in only one year, especially when you think about the fact that the dev has their own life; friends, family, work, studies, etc to attend to. it's likely both games were in developing at the same time, and Pocket Lover released earlier while KLEIN took longer, so now it just seems like one person copied the other when KLEIN was probably being developed before Pocket Lover even came out. when you make content for such a niche genre it's only natural that whatever you put out has a lot of similarities to works that were published before. you're jumping into this with bad faith and assuming the worst case scenario


Yay, I didn't expect this to come out. I'm excited to play this game, but I don't have time and I'm busy 😭


(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

i need a guide TT i keep getting the same bad end where i die... qwq great game nonetheless!

edit: i apparently just had to skip work...lol

i'm so sorry to know that T T i will be sharing a thorough guide for the game soon! 
or you can also reach out to me on SNS and i will be able to help!

hi!! did you figure out how to get to this route?

im super late, but basically, you have to skip work and essentially isolate yourself!

thank you!! <3

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